Welcome to the Primary 3 Page for Mrs O’ Neill’s class.
I’m sure you will agree the site is warm and inviting and in time you will see how effective it is in communicating information, news, advice and photographs.
You, your children, your families and friends across the world can enjoy a little window into the life of the school and see pictures and read news about the children.
Keep coming back to enjoy our updates!
Mrs O' Neill and P3C
Our 2019-2020 year has got off to a fantastic start! Well done to everyone! This will be a great year!
Thank you to everyone for how beautifully your children are turned out for school every day - they are an absolute credit to you.
Some information for the term ahead:
Term 1a focus (September to Hallowe'en):
Maths: (Depending on your maths group!)
Revision from P2, number stories to 10 & 20 (using 2 and more numbers), tens and units and numbers to 100
Money to 10p, 20p, 50p, £1.00
Doubling and halving numbers to 20 and above
Commutative Law of addition
Problem solving
Lots of opportunities for talking and listening
Reading and comprehension activities
High Frequency words
Jolly Phonics
Writing recounts
Writing stories
Punctuation: Capital letter for start of sentence and names eg. places, people
Logging on to C2K and Purple Mash
Desktop publishing
Topic: My Community and Me
I am unique
Where we come from
Our senses
Roles within families and how these have changed over time
Services in Short Strand
Different types of houses here and around the world
The Arts:
Primary and secondary colours
Autumn songs and Grow in Love songs and music
Dramatising different roles within our community
PE: Games
I hope this information is helpful!
September to October was a fantastic term. The children in P3 are well settled and enjoying all of the learning and activities to date.
Highlights of the term had to be our ‘Being Good for God’ Assembly and the Hallowe'en Dress Up Day!
November to December is always a really busy term for the children with so many exciting events to prepare for and look forward to!
Following the success of last year, the children in P3 and P4 will perform at Christmas, so very soon the children will be learning Christmas songs to include Christmas has Started, Dear Santa, Rock Around the Shops and I Couldn’t Sleep! We will also be preparing for the annual Carol Service (P1-7) in St Matthew's Church - a special celebration for the whole parish to come and enjoy!
Some information for the term ahead:
Term 1b focus (November to Christmas):
Maths: (Depending on your maths group!)
Tens and units and numbers to 100
100 square
Multiples of ten
Adding and subtracting multiples of 10
2D and 3D shapes and their properties
Measuring in metres/half metres/ quarter metres and centimetres
Problem solving
Lots of opportunities for talking and listening
Reading and comprehension activities
High Frequency words
Jolly Phonics
Procedural Writing
Writing stories
Punctuation: Capital letter for start of sentence and names eg. places, people, titles etc, question marks
Grammar: Nouns, Verbs, Alphabetical Order, use of an and a
Desktop publishing - Procedural writing
ICT Games - shapes 2d and 3D
Celebrations around the world
Purple Mash
Topic: Celebrations
Celebrations we know about and have experienced
Traditions around world
Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita
Chinese New Year
Christmas tales from Ireland and around world
The Arts:
Rangoli Patterns
Henna designs
Christmas art
Christmas hymns and songs
Grow in Love songs and music
Dramatising Rama and Sita story
PE: Dance
I hope this information is helpful!